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Cybercrime threat to real estate sector intensifying

Recent cyberattacks on the real estate sector have highlighted the risks presented to an industry that holds vast amounts of highly personal and valuable data, and the need for businesses to defend themselves.

Cyber Attack text written in middle of a binary code monitor screen.
NAB boss says bank is subjected to 50 million cyberattacks from hackers every month but smaller property sector businesses were a big target. (Image source:

Since the first conviction for a commercial cyber attack in the United States in 1988, when the internet was in its infancy, cyber criminals have been trying to exploit information technology infrastructure and systems for their own nefarious purposes.

Scammers, fraudsters and devastated victims: part 1 of an API Magazine crime series

Cyber insurance a last line of defence against scams: part 2 of an API Magazine crime series

The recent …

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