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Six technologies shaking property investment to its core in 2024

Huge technology developments in 2024 are set to shake up how buyers find the types of properties that will make good investments, as well as how properties are managed and transacted.

A robot hand with a house model on the table. 3d illustration.
Artificial intelligence and data manipulation will play an ever-greater role in pointing investors toward the right property. (Image source: Alexander Limbach/Shutterstock)

Think you know everything there is about investing in property? Well buckle up because big changes in 2024 are set to shake up how buyers find the types of properties that will make good investments,

The revolution in data and artificial intelligence (AI) among other things are changing the face of property investing, while making transactions faster and safer.

Here’s a look at the trends:

1. Big data

It may seem counterintuitive to call big …

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