Latest Wa Budget News

Housing centre stage at all levels of government but is that alleviating the crisis?

Politicians are bellowing about their housing policies, federal and state government budgets are prioritising the rental, housing and affordability crises, and there's national unanimity that there's a serious problem - but is that enough?

Apartment block building site seen from above.
ongoing construction cost pressures in the apartment market are making affordable, high density development difficult to deliver. (Image source:

It has been a big few days in politics with the Federal Government handing down their budget on Tuesday night and in Western Australia, the Cook Government tabled their State Budget for 2024-25 last Thursday.

With a housing crisis impacting markets across the nation, the state and federal budgets featured a strong housing focus.

BREAKING POINT: Tackling the housing crisis

Federal Budget: housing’s silver bullet or a lost opportunity?…

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