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Chinese property buyers targeting schools, public transport

Foreign investment in Australian property has fallen but real estate professionals are reporting a major upturn in enquiries from Chinese buyers, who are the biggest investors in residential real estate.

Chinese New Year with lion dances, drums and loud crackers in the Chinatown district of Melbourne.
Melbourne's Chinatown celebrations, as well as those in other state capitals, could be bigger than ever if property enquiries from China translate into sales. (Image source:

As China’s President Xi Jinping began his third term as head of state China also marked its third successive year as the biggest source of foreign investment in Australian residential property.

China was the largest source of investment for residential real estate investment proposals by number and value ($0.6 billion), as it was in 2021-22 and 2020-21. The next two largest sources of residential investment were Hong Kong ($0.1 billion) and Viet…

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