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Is it a good time to buy property in Melbourne?

If buying at the bottom of the property cycle is the key to investing, real estate experts are saying Melbourne's rapidly growing population may present an opportune time to take the plunge in the Victorian capital.

Arden Precinct, Melbourne
The Victorian Planning Authority’s inner northwest Arden Precinct will house 15,000 residents and a business district around the new Metro Tunnel’s Arden Station. (Image source: Victorian Department of Planning)

Demonising Melbourne for the fact it has delivered the least price growth of all capitals since Covid - just 11 per cent compared to top performer Adelaide with 57, is an opportunity waiting to happen, say local real estate experts.

In a case of slow and steady wins the race, Melbourne’s property commentators are confident that despite interest rate uncertainty and state-imposed taxes stagnating the market, investors who get in now will ride the…

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