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Housing takes centre stage in lead up to 2025 elections

Elections are being held around Australia in the coming year or so and one issue - housing - has become the central topic that could shape the immediate futures of political parties around the country.

Artist impression of new Metronet train station in Whiteman Park
As the housing crisis worsens, new suburbs and infrastructure need to arise (photo: Artist impression of new Metronet train station in Whiteman Park) (Image source: WA Government/Metronet)

With both a Federal and Western Australian state election looming in early 2025, the housing supply crisis that is gripping the nation is taking centre stage as a key election issue.

It is not often that housing takes the spotlight in an election campaign. It tends to be a side issue or an afterthought as part of wider election commitments from both sides of the Parliament.

Perhaps that is why we find ourselves in such a dire situation as popul…

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