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Perth rental queues normalising but soaring prices remain far from normal

Even as Perth's rental market shows signs of easing, signs of that translating into a slowing of the rampant property growth that's unfolding are few and far between.

Scarborough Beach aerial view on sunny day
The heat continues to pervade the Perth property market but could an easing rental market point to an imminent slowdown? (Image source:

The last time Perth’s rental vacancy rate was at a balanced 2.5 to 3.5 per cent range was in September 2019.

It’s taken five years, but at last there are signs that heat is coming out of the rental market.

Whether that will translate into Perth’s steaming hot property and land prices slowing is yet to be seen.

But rental heat is reducing to a steady simmer. The vacancy rate has inched upwards to 0.6 per cent, rent prices are in a period of sta…

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