Latest Ukraine News

Middle East looms as global economic threat but a bigger risk is closer to home

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine showed, Australia's economy, construction and housing markets are not immune from international conflicts but the property woes of our largest trading partner may present a bigger threat.

Palestinian demonstrators burn tyres and throw rocks in the West Bank
The latest outbreak of intense conflict in the Middle East is a humanitarian disaster and also threatens to impact the global economy. (Image source: Shutterstock - file footage)

In today’s globalised financial system, no segment of the economy is an island.

The harrowing events unfolding in Israel and Palestine have pushed Ukraine from the front pages.

The impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Australia’s housing and construction sectors were pronounced, with the cost of building materials soaring as supply chains were disrupted, energy price globally shot up and raw materials became scarcer.

Market observers a…

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