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Councils warned: deal with housing targets or relinquish planning control

Councils in New South Wales have been assigned five-year housing targets but with development approval times blowing out, continued high building costs and property prices still breaking records, councils will need plenty of resolve to tackle the housing crisis.

Approved building plans
Development approval times in NSW have blown out to an average of 114 days, with only Victoria having a worse record. (Image source:

Councils across the state have been assigned their five-year housing targets and judging by the response from some, the challenge will be as much about the delivery of the required housing, as it will be about encouraging councils to genuinely try.

The targets for 43 Local Government Areas (LGAs) are the NSW Government’s way of seeking to keep its commitment under the National Housing Accord

to deliver 377,000 new, well-located homes across the …

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