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Lunacy, stupidity, inequity: what the 'knuckleheads' in charge of housing need to know

Housing reform is possible but as long as we entertain voodoo economics paraded as credible ‘solutions’ to our current housing challenges, be prepared to watch this tragedy get more re-runs than a B grade soap opera.

AI image of bad tradesman with pipes leaking everywhere
Government housing policy is not exactly watertight. (Image source:

As someone who has spent the best part of their professional life involved with property markets and public policy, I reckon I’ve seen pretty much every type of lunacy at work.

When it comes to housing, that lunacy frequently ascends new heights. The latest hysteria is nothing we haven’t seen before, and will see again – despite the many inquiries, taskforces and talkfests proposing “solutions.”

Here's some bad news for those who think they hav…

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