Latest Retirement Living Council News

Retirement home investment demand peaking as ‘silver tsunami’ hits

Retirement homes are shaping as the sleeping giant of Australia’s residential property market, with higher prospective demand than ever before at a time when the need for more retirement villages is being largely ignored.

Nathan Cockerill, the CEO of Keyton.
Nathan Cockerill, CEO of retirement village specialists Keyton, said more planning support for retirement living projects would provide a double-edged contribution to the housing crisis. (Image source: Keyton)

A housing sector that currently provides purpose built homes for 250,000 older Australians is effectively operating at full capacity.

Retirement homes are shaping as the sleeping giant in Australia’s residential housing market.

With 710,000 Australians intending to retire in the next five years, including 226,000 in the next two years, retirement homes will be in ever-increasing demand and with that will come higher property prices in retiremen…

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