Latest Real Estate Investment News

Perth property investor's portfolio strategy mixes high-risk and caution

A mix of property types, complemented by some volatile currency-linked mortgage manoeuvres, have been hallmarks of the portfolio strategy of a Perth accountant and property investor.

Lisa Parry stands at gates of investment property in Mount Hawthorn.
Lisa Parry, at the Mount Hawthorn site of one of her Perth investment properties (Image source: Craig Francis)

For most of her 20s and 30s, travel and adventure were far bigger priorities than mortgages and interest rates.

When Perth-based accountant and property investor Lisa Parry decided that at least part of her foreign income could be put towards a longer-term financial goal, she was based in Hong Kong with the first of her two children on the way.

Having spent three years in Dubai in the late 1990s and a couple more in London at the turn of the mi…

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