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Top 10 most competitive suburbs to buy property revealed

New research has revealed the most in-demand suburbs across the country where as many as 500 potential buyers battle for each property, with the lists dominated by Melbourne and Adelaide locations.

Panoramic view from Bulli Lookout to township and ocean.
The view from the Bulli lookout is far more serene than that of the queues of people trying to buy a unit in the regional town south of Sydney.. (Image source:

The top ten suburbs in Australia where competition for property is at its most fierce share at least one thing in common.

Whether its hundreds of people competing for a single house or unit, they are typically suburbs that are scenic and offer real lifestyle advantages.

PropTrack on Thursday (30 March) revealed the most in-demand suburbs across the country, where homes have as many as 500 potential buyers battling for each property.  


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