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Renovation mistakes that make property professionals spill their tea

Renovating an investment property is laden with potential pitfalls, but a property valuer who has seen all the mistakes spells out the tactics that will generate the best returns for investors.

Tea cup on kitchen bench  top being renovated
To avoid a renovation budget spilling over into the red, it pays to listen to advice from the professionals who've seen all the potential mistakes. (Image source:

If you want me to spill my tea as a property valuer, make me watch what I see time and time again - investors overcapitalising on their investment property renovations.

And I can’t hold my tea down as long as investors are not starting at the end and working backwards.

Let me explain.

I want you to think about your property as a piggy bank. Your property (depending on where it’s located) has a finite size and a limit as to how much money it ca…

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