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Property prices seem set for growth but could a world of pain unravel expectations?

The Australian property market is widely predicted to continue delivering strong capital growth in 2024 and beyond, but could this expectation unravel as a slew of domestic and international challenges present themselves?

Shipping container illustration with flags of Yemen and Russia.
Australia's property market is motoring along in the face of numerous international and domestic constraints, so what can slow it down in 2024? (Image source:

Property prices are marching higher and, with interest rate cuts forecast for later in the year when inflation is expected to have been reined in, it’s easy to assume there’s only one way they can continue to go.

But property price forecasts are notoriously unreliable

, as seen with predictions by the big banks and many media commentators and industry experts of price collapses of 20 per cent during Covid when most real estate markets took off in…

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