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Australia outperforming foreign real estate - so why is it ranked the second most risky in the world?

Australian property markets have been labelled by the IMF as the second riskiest in the world, despite outperforming the majority of other countries' real estate in 2023.

A man walking in an empty market in the ghost city of Foshan.
The IMF has declared Australia's property market the second riskiest in the world, although it didn't include China in its assessment, which is dotted with ghost cities such as this one in Foshan. (Image source:

Australian property markets are a bit of a mixed bag at the moment but one thing is clear – it’s performing more robustly than much of the rest of the world.

Last month’s slight uptick in Australian property values may or may not have been the start of a more sustained turnaround after a year of price declines but compared to global trends it’s looking like a bit of an outlier in 2023.

In the past three months Australia’s property values have s…

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