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Cracking the mystery around the stalled $10 billion housing fund

The stark reality is that Australia's housing crisis is destroying lives and is set to get worse, with the fate of the Federal Government's Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF) central to any solution, says UDIA's national president writing exclusively for API Magazine.

Homeless possessions in an archway bridge.
The ramifications of not solving the housing crisis involve very real and potentially dire consequences for thousands of people. (Image source:

Almost one month ago to the day, the Australian Senate pressed pause on the Government’s Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF), and many felt the national housing agenda spluttered to a halt - right in the middle of a housing crisis.

The truth is less dramatic, more problematic and very strange.

The Commonwealth plans to establish a $10 billion HAFF that would build 30,000 new social and affordable housing properties in the first first years. On…

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