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Fools or forecasters: can expert property predictions be believed?

So close to April Fools' Day, what better time is there to assess whether the property market forecasters are fools or foolproof - although successful strike rates around 10 per cent offer some clues.

Vintage humorous female three-eyed crystal ball gazer with discombobulated male onlooker.
Crystal ball gazing into property prices has always been a flawed but hugely popular pastime. (Image source:

Property forecasts are never far from the top of our newsfeeds.

The media laps them up (yes, even API Magazine), the public click on them, and yet so few of these predictions turn out to be accurate. Why is it these experts are so rarely held to account?

That’s the question I pondered back in 2019, and every year on April Fools’ Day we release our scorecard, the Fool or Forecaster Report, dissecting what really happened versus what was forecas…

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