Latest Housing Australia Future Fund News

Housing crisis requires private sector developers to double output - but how?

With a deficit of almost 100,000 skilled workers, the private sector is expected to double its output to deliver 97 per cent of the new homes needed to address the housing crisis - the UDIA National Congress examined how that might happen.

Housing crisis requires private sector developers to double output - but how?
In his first regular column for API Magazine, Col Dutton, UDIA President, addresses the issues confronting the industry as it tries to meet Australia's strained housing needs. (Image source: UDIA)

Across the past two decades, Australia has significantly underdelivered new dwelling supply across the nation, underpinning the ongoing erosion of housing affordability.

It has driven down homeownership rates and increased household indebtedness.

In short, it has led to the housing crisis the industry and the people of Australia are now experiencing.

To put our industry’s challenges in perspective, the Federal Government has laid out an ambit…

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