Latest Green Building Council Of Australia News

Can energy efficient upgrades electrify property values?

Improving the energy efficiency of a home not only delivers better outcomes for the environment but also generates greater resale returns than homes that are not adequately equipped with green technology and design features.

An Earthship Eco Home
Houses with a higher an energy-efficiency rating have been shown to deliver a greater price per square metre. (Image source: Earthship Eco Homes)

Improving the energy efficiency of a house or unit boosts market value, according to studies into price variations, which is great news for investors looking to also ‘green’ their portfolio.

Australia’s ‘Net Zero by 2050’ emissions target has driven policies to eliminate the 24 per cent of the nation’s annual electricity consumption and 10 per cent of its carbon emissions that emanate from residential homes.

Lachlan Turner, Managing Director of…

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