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Collapse of Adelaide builder leaves 200 homes at risk

The demise of Adelaide building company Qattro Built has plunged hundreds of homeowners and creditors into crisis.

Tradesman in roof of home being built.
Qattro Built has said its demise is reflective of the problems endemic to the building industry around the country. (Image source: Shutterstock/API Magazine)

Debts of more than $4.5 million, scores of lost jobs, and 200 homes in jeopardy worth more than $110 million.

That’s the diabolical scenario unfolding in Adelaide following the collapse of Qattro Built and the end of its 15 years of operations.

Liquidators Chris Powell and Nick Gyss from Duncan Powell say they will try to minimise the losses to creditors and hope the 200 homes can still be completed through other avenues.

Among the development…

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