Latest Corelogic Hedonic Home Value Index News

Is this just the start of bigger price falls for Brisbane?

Brisbane's meteoric price rises are falling back to earth, so is this the start of a major tumble or just a minor correction?

Row of traditional Queenslander timber houses on stilts to protect from floods
Traditional Queenslander timber houses are built for flood protection, but are they safe from a property price storm? (Image source:

For the first time in more than two years, negative growth has been recorded in both the house and unit market across Greater Brisbane.

The latest CoreLogic Hedonic Home Value Index findings

have confirmed that Brisbane house prices peaked in June 2022 and unit prices in July 2022. 

Are these price adjustments the start of large falls in the months ahead, or is this simply an adjustment while buyers wait for more confidence to return to the mar…

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