Latest Building Costs News

Developers' headaches are Gold Coast investors' healthy returns

While the Gold Coast market may no longer add up for developers, the figures are certainly working for property investors.

Aerial view of Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, and marinas.
Surfers Paradise, one of Australia’s largest unit markets, has a median unit price of $715,000 that has increased by 14 per cent in the past 12 months. (Image source:

No matter what political commitments there are to delivering new housing, Australia will be in serious undersupply for many years to come.

This reality of Australia’s serious undersupply of homes is made starkly obvious by the emergence of shortages in the location best known for bouts of major oversupply – the Gold Coast.

The Gold Coast market has traditionally delivered weak capital growth because of regular periods of oversupply of high-rise…

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