Latest Brisbane Apartments News

Brisbane solidifies status as fastest growing city

Brisbane has cemented its place as the fastest growing capital city market throughout Australia, leading the nation in terms of dwelling price growth, ahead of all other capitals, but even more so in the housing market compared to the unit market.

While price growth in other capital cities is starting to slow, home values continue on to accelerate in Brisbane.
While price growth in other capital cities is starting to slow, home values continue on to accelerate in Brisbane. Photo: Shutterstock (Image source:

Brisbane has cemented its place as the fastest growing capital city market throughout Australia, leading the nation in terms of dwelling price growth, ahead of all other capitals, but even more so in the housing market compared to the unit market.

And there are few surprises as to why this has happened. 

Housing affordability is less pressing in Brisbane, and we have had fewer lockdowns due to COVID-19.  Additionally, we have continued to see a…

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