Latest Tax News

Expatriate Aussies face massive hit to tax residency status

A proposal put forward to impose a 45-day residency test in determining a person’s tax status, compared to the current 180 days, has sent shockwaves through Australian expatriate communities around the world.

View from the plane window travelling into Sydney, Australia.
Trips to Australia by expats will be far fewer if new tax residency rules are implemented. (Image source:

Australian expatriates are in the sights of the Australian Treasury, with a proposal put forward to impose a 45-day residency test in determining a person’s tax status.

Under current law, residency is confirmed if a taxpayer spends more than 183 days in Australia, unless the Commissioner is satisfied they are genuinely living overseas.

Under the Board of Taxation’s proposed model, a long-term resident would cease to be a tax resident if they sp…

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