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'Nonsensical' policies only diverting attention from real causes of rental crisis

It's time to stop dissuading property investors from entering the market and focus on measures that will encourage more housing supply to cope with rapid population growth and a chronic rental crisis.

Residential houses in Melbourne with new apartment buildings under construction in distance in the City of Maribyrnong.
Melbourne is leading the nation when it comes to build-to-rent but lags beyond other states when it comes to incentivising property investment. (Image source:

As the rental crisis gets worse by the month, it is no surprise to see nonsensical proposals put out by various sectors of our community.

Commercial realism is what is needed to deal with the plain and simple equation that our population has been growing at record levels while our supply of rental properties fails to keep up with the construction levels needed to house this increased population.

Worse, no significant new supply will come online…

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